Sunday, June 23, 2024

Replying to the question that was asked in the comment section.

First of all, thank you for taking the time to ask your question. Before I answer your question, I would like to state that one of the things I am concerned about before deciding to enroll in the MIDT program at OUM is related to the attendance of lectures/tutorials.
For your information, the classes for the MIDT OUM course are called eTutorials. In each semester, there are usually 10 eTutorial sessions, but it may vary depending on the respective lecturers. Attendance for each eTutorial is not mandatory, but you are encouraged to participate in the scheduled sessions set by the lecturers. If you are unable to attend the eTutorial session, you will not be penalized. You can still access the recorded eTutorial sessions that will be posted by the lecturers in our myINSPIRE platform. What is important is active participation in the ONLINE CLASS PARTICIPATION (OCP)/Forum and completing assignments according to the specified deadlines.


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